Friday, October 20, 2006

Asbestos the Silent Killer

An article about the history of asbestos and the potential future problems asbestos may cause. People fear that asbestos could cause an epidemic if it is not removed from places of business and homes quickly and appropriately. Despite the fact the government banned the importation of blue and brown asbestos over twenty years ago and finally banned white asbestos in 1999, 3500 people currently die every year from asbestos related diseases. Be it the lung choking “asbestosis” or the cancer “Mesothelioma” these diseases make asbestos the biggest industrial killer today. In the 50’s and 60’s following World War 2, millions of tons of raw asbestos was imported into the UK to be made into building products and other industrial uses. It was cheap, easy to mine and when added to various building products gave them extra strength and fire retardant properties. Just what was needed to help the post war building boom. However it was not until well into the sixties that it was discovered that the ingestion of its fibres caused terminal damage to peoples lungs. All those people working in the factories using asbestos in their products had already been damaged by the microscopic fibres of asbestos. This was borne out by the climbing death rates in the late 80’s as it can take anything from 5 to 25 years for the asbestos dieses to kill you. When the government brought in various bans on the importation and the using of asbestos in products they assumed by the turn of the new millennium there would be a fall in the number of deaths attributed to asbestos. Unfortunately the exact opposite happened and the death toll continued to rise. After some research the government found that because very few landlords or tenants of non-domestic buildings had bothered to have their building surveyed to find the whereabouts of any asbestos containing materials thousands of maintenance workers were coming into buildings and drilling holes or cutting out panels etc and disturbing the asbestos and on a regular basis breathing in small amounts of deadly fibres. So as time went on they became infected and joined the numbers of people dying who had worked in the asbestos factories of the 50’s and 60’s. Out of all this chaos was born the “Control of Asbestos in the Workplace” legislation. From May 2004 for the first time every owner or tenant, whoever was deemed responsible under the terms of leases, was legally obliged to have their premises surveyed and the position, quantity, condition and type of all ACM’s noted in a report form with a management plan to deal with the risk. These reports would then be available to any employee or outside contractor who may want to work in the areas containing asbestos and following laid out “Codes of Practice” take the necessary steps to minimise the release of harmful fibres into the atmosphere and subsequently into their lungs. Simple precautions like not using power tools, wearing an appropriate face-mask, wearing throw away overalls and other very basic things will help stop the ingestion of deadly asbestos fibres. Although this act will not immediately stop the death rate soaring to 10,000 deaths per year by 2020 eventually with the new knowledge and awareness of asbestos products contained in these reports we will see a decline in the death rate. The message about asbestos is not to rip it out of buildings unnecessarily but to know of its whereabouts and manage it. Only finally removing it under controlled conditions when it is damaged or disintegrating beyond reasonable repair. Christopher Angus helps promote the following websites: Printing Companyasbestos trainingOxford Double GlazingChristopher Angus is a freelance writer and website promoter. He is available for hire. Please contact him at chris (at) brilliantseo (dot) com Christopher Angus is a freelance writer and journalist. He is available for hire and website promotion. He writes articles on behalf of clients for £20.00 each – These articles are then submitted to quality article directories.

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Mesothelioma Cancer

Mesothelioma is a type of cancer involving mesothelial tissues of body organs usually lungs or abdominal. It is often caused by exposure to asbestos. However, there are 30-50% of patients without any history of asbestos exposure. People who have received asbestos exposure of as little as one or two months to very low doses are at risk of mesothelioma cancer. Even people who wash clothes of asbestos exposed people are at risk. A person exposed to asbestos could develop mesothelioma after 50 years of exposure.
People in the occupations such as construction jobs in shipyards, insulators, boilermakers, etc. are at the risk of contracting asbestos disease.
The 2 common types of mesothelioma are:
Pleural mesothelioma (lung cancer) and Peritoneal mesothelioma (abdomen organs).
The survival time for a patient with diffuse malignant mesothelioma is from 4 to 24 months from the observance of the symptoms. Mesothelioma is also difficult to diagnose.
The chance of recovery for a patient with mesothelioma depends on size and location of the cancer, age of the patient and his response to the treatment.

Presently, the treatment options for mesotheliomas are:
Radiation therapy
Surgery and Photodynamic therapy
There is some evidence that provitamin A or beta-carotene may decrease the risk of mesothelioma.
Mesothelioma Cancer
Article Source:

Thursday, September 21, 2006

Mesothelioma Asbestos Claim: Know Your Rights

As an American citizen you have many rights. The United Stated of America signed a very important document called the Declaration of Human Rights. In it, under article number 3 you will find that "everyone has the right to life..." With that said, almost everyone infected with mesothelioma got it by inhaling toxic asbestos fibers during a long period of time without any warning. This means that you may have the right for a mesothelioma asbestos claim.
The Beginning
Since the first mesothelioma lawsuit hit the courts in 1929, more and more lawsuits have been presented involving more than two hundred billion dollars. Any person that has acquired mesothelioma because of negligence of someone else is eligible to file a case in search for compensation for damages to their life.
Mesothelioma and the Law
Although mesothelioma is still a very rare type of cancer, the US government has been presented with countless cases, making it somewhat a legal priority to create answers for. The Senate Judiciary Committee approved an amendment on June 14 2006 to the highly debated "Fairness in Asbestos Injury Resolution Act of 2005" which granted victims of mesothelioma "$1.1 million within 30 days of their claim's approval". Victims include people from normally exposed industries and also people exposed to asbestos during the 9/11 rescues and debris recollection after the attacks on the World Trade Center and debris recollection from reconstruction after Hurricanes Katrina and Rita.
What you can Do
Don't ever hesitate or think twice if you want to seek legal advice for a mesothelioma asbestos claim. There are many excellent hard working legal firms that can find you the best compensations for obtaining mesothelioma by inhaling asbestos fibers. Nevertheless, you have to be diagnosed with the illness in order to file a case. Because of the innumerable cases that have been presented of people that only present symptoms from the cancer, the justice process for people currently ill from mesothelioma is hindered. The justice department has no other choice but to reject these spam cases in order to tackle the mesothelioma asbestos claims from people who are genuinely suffering the disease. There are other ways to make a mesothelioma claim for only presenting symptoms.
After certain events in his life, Ermenegildo Billar has dedicated years of his life to understanding and helping people with the malignant mesothelioma. For your comfort he decided to create so you can have easy access to his research.
Article Source:

A Guide to Asbestos Attorneys

Asbestos attorneys help victims of asbestos-related ailments win multi-million dollar compensations. Over exposure to asbestos can result in life-threatening diseases. Medical expenses related to these diseases are often very high, and treatment may extend over a lifetime. Most of the victims are former construction workers. Very often, workers are not informed about the ill-effects of asbestos by their employers. Asbestos attorneys help these victims obtain damages from their former employers.
Asbestos lawsuits involve many complexities and usually take about six months to one year to resolve. These lawsuits require special knowledge and expertise. General practitioners would not suffice for such cases. Only attorneys who have ample experience in asbestos lawsuits can help you through the case. Asbestos attorneys have, therefore, emerged as a specialized lot. These attorneys can recover appropriate damages to cover medical expenses and rehabilitation costs for the victims. Asbestos attorneys usually charge their fees on a contingency basis, in which certain percentage of the compensation amount is given as fee. If the lawsuit fails, attorneys usually do not charge any fee.
A lot of asbestos attorneys have their own networks spanning over many states. Many of them even have their own websites, too. Most law firms specializing in asbestos lawsuits maintain a team of asbestos attorneys and investigators. This team is often backed by huge databases of records and depositions. Asbestos attorneys usually have to deal with all sorts of companies that do businesses involving asbestos in one form or other. Among the commonly litigated companies are mining companies, distributors, insulation contractors, brokers, and numerous other contractors where workers handle asbestos products. Contractors and site owners are held responsible for any lack of safety standards implemented for their workers.
Asbestos Attorneys provides detailed information on Asbestos Attorneys, Asbestos Cancer Attorneys, Asbestos Litigation Attourneys, Asbestos Mesothelioma Attorneys and more. Asbestos Attorneys is affiliated with Asbestos Trial Lawyers.
Article Source:

Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Personal Injury Solicitors Help Mesothelioma Sufferers To Claim: "Every year in the UK around 1,600 people die from mesothelioma, a terminal lung disease which is normally caused by contact with asbestos. Many of the people who have learnt the devastating news that they are suffering from an incurable condition, have made the decision to speak to a personal injury solicitor. A solicitor with expertise in this area of the law can help them to make a personal injury claim. Asbestos related illnesses, which people are suffering from today, could have been avoided if action was taken many years ago.
It is difficult to swallow the facts and figures surrounding asbestos use. Thousands of people are waking up to the fact that their professional lives as many as 30 or 40 years ago were in fact contributing to an early and painful death.
Asbestos was once hailed as a fantastic, revolutionary material and its fire resistant properties were ideal for use in the construction industries, in plumbing and ship building. Asbestos was installed in buildings throughout the world and many hundreds of thousands of men, women and children came into constant contact with it. Whilst it is not dangerous when lying untouched, it becomes deadly when its� fibres are disturbed. People working in these industries are most at risk of contracting these diseases however; their families are also at risk of becoming ill at some point in the future. Barry Welch died at the age of 32 because he came into contact with asbestos dust when he was a child. His stepfather came home each night covered in the deadly fibres.
A large number of employers have now admitted liability for the suffering of their previous employees. Protection was not offered to many of the people who are now living with asbestosis, mesothelioma, emphysema, pleural plaques and lu"

Sunday, June 04, 2006

Mesothelioma a cancer caused by asbestos
The internal organs of the human body are encased in a protective sac called the mesothelium. Examples of mesothelilial membranes are the peritoneum (abdominal organs), pleura (lungs), and pericardium (heart). Under specific conditions, the cells of the protective membrane divide uncontrolled and become cancerous. This disease is termed as Mesothelioma, a rare form of cancer which is caused by prolonged exposure to asbestos dust. The disease is found to occur among those who work in shipyards, asbestos mines and factories, industries that produce asbestos based products, and the heating and construction businesses. Approximately 3,000 cases occur each year in the US, and most patients are between 50-70 years old. Statistics show that males are commonly affected and among them whites more than African Americans. First studied in the late 1700s in depth studies were only done in the 1960s. Tumors of the Mesothelioma can be benign or malignant. The malignant Mesothelioma are categorized into three types: • Epithelioid, accounting for 50-70% of mesotheliomas.• Sarcomatoid, accounting for 7-20%.• Mixed or bi-phasic, accounting for 20-35%.When asbestos fibers are breathed into the lungs they travel through large air passages to reach the smaller passages and from them the pleura. In the pleura they damage: the mesothelial cells leading to cancer; lung tissue causing lung cancer; and the development of scar tissue within the lungs known as asbestosis. When asbestos fibers are swallowed they reach the abdominal cavity and cause peritoneal mesothelioma. Research reveals that the disease only manifests 20-50 years after being exposed to asbestos dust. The symptoms are not specific to the disease but a patient may develop:• Breathlessness.• Chest pain accompanied by tightness believed to be caused by accumulation of fluid in the pleura.• Low back pain.• Swelling of face and arms.• Sensory loss.• Muscle weakness. • Nausea.• Vomiting.• Weight loss that is unexplained.• Persistent dry cough.• Sore throat.• Anemia.• Fever.• Constipation.• Problems with blood clotting.Since the above are common to minor ailments, patients often ignore the symptoms. It is advisable to consult a doctor if any of the above symptoms persist or if you feel you have been knowingly or unknowingly exposed to asbestos.A doctor will:• Take down a detailed medical history and try and determine the symptoms and risk factors.• Do a thorough physical examination and check for signs of:o Pleural effusion, fluid accumulated in the chest cavity.o Fluid in the abdominal cavity.o Pericardial effusion, fluid in the lining of the heart. • Take a chest x-ray and check for thickening of the pleura, calcifications, and lowered lung fissures. • Ask for a CT scan to determine clearly the location, size, and extent of the problem if any is suspected.• Recommend tests of tissue samples and pleural fluids.Other risk factors are cigarette or cigar smoking, exposure to radiation, exposure to zeolite a compound that is similar to asbestos, exposure to or infections caused by SV40, a Simian virus. Those who work in a risky environment should wear protective clothing, have the surroundings tested regularly for suspended asbestos particles, and ensure that they have regular medical tests and report to the doctor any ailments that persist.Being aware of the disease and its problems helps.
About the AuthorPaul Wilson is a freelance writer for , the premier REVENUE SHARING discussion forum for Health Forum including topics on health care, Children's Health Issues, addiction, Cancer, fitness equipment, Burns & Injuries and more. His article profile can be found at the premier Health Article Submission Directory Source: