Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Personal Injury Solicitors Help Mesothelioma Sufferers To Claim: "Every year in the UK around 1,600 people die from mesothelioma, a terminal lung disease which is normally caused by contact with asbestos. Many of the people who have learnt the devastating news that they are suffering from an incurable condition, have made the decision to speak to a personal injury solicitor. A solicitor with expertise in this area of the law can help them to make a personal injury claim. Asbestos related illnesses, which people are suffering from today, could have been avoided if action was taken many years ago.
It is difficult to swallow the facts and figures surrounding asbestos use. Thousands of people are waking up to the fact that their professional lives as many as 30 or 40 years ago were in fact contributing to an early and painful death.
Asbestos was once hailed as a fantastic, revolutionary material and its fire resistant properties were ideal for use in the construction industries, in plumbing and ship building. Asbestos was installed in buildings throughout the world and many hundreds of thousands of men, women and children came into constant contact with it. Whilst it is not dangerous when lying untouched, it becomes deadly when its� fibres are disturbed. People working in these industries are most at risk of contracting these diseases however; their families are also at risk of becoming ill at some point in the future. Barry Welch died at the age of 32 because he came into contact with asbestos dust when he was a child. His stepfather came home each night covered in the deadly fibres.
A large number of employers have now admitted liability for the suffering of their previous employees. Protection was not offered to many of the people who are now living with asbestosis, mesothelioma, emphysema, pleural plaques and lu"

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